Blue Assistance invests in Charlie24 Italia

Reale Group embraces the revolution in roadside assistance services

Blue Assistance today acquired a stake in the start-up Charlie24 Italia SRL, the innovative roadside assistance service developed by the holding Alecta Sàrl.

The initiative stems from the win-win idea that Blue Assistance is the player in the best position to develop the on-demand economy business model in Italy. Charlie24 Italia has set itself the goal of changing the approach to roadside assistance, to better respond to the needs of customers, who thus assume a central role in the management of these services, cutting costs and optimising processes.

The result? An effective, fast, transparent and handy roadside assistance service.

“In its 25th year of business, Blue Assistance has taken a very important step in terms of its positioning in the assistance market,” said Marco Mazzucco, General Manager of Blue Assistance. “By acquiring a stake in Charlie24 we are bringing technological innovation to Italy that will allow us to further improve customer satisfaction by guaranteeing high-level, reliable breakdown assistance services. All this thanks to a model that is not yet available on the Italian market and will therefore allow us to offer a unique customer experience.”

Charlie24 was launched in 2016 in Belgium and Luxembourg by a team of professionals who together have more than thirty years of experience in the development of online products and roadside assistance services for leading companies across Europe.

“Old models must give way to a simpler, more modern and digital approach,” commented Tommaso Lemessi, co-founder and General Manager of Charlie24 Italia. “Our entry into the Italian market is a key step in our strategic plan to create innovative new assistance products.

Blue Assistance was set up in 1993 to add value to the offering of Reale Group companies with a range of services for members/policyholders. Blue Assistance works continuously to enhance its core activities and develop innovative solutions for businesses and companies.
In recent years it has identified six different areas in which to offer customised, modular solutions to meet the growing needs of insurance undertakings, corporations and their customers.



